10 Reasons Why You Should Pay For Your Recovery Out of Pocket (Even With Insurance Coverage!)

With the new year approaching and resetting of deductibles, here are some things to consider when deciding to pay out of pocket for mobile concierge physical therapy (even when you have insurance!). 1. Receive personalized and better quality care - 1 on 1 services delivered to your home, when it…

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The Shocking Connection Between Being Busy and Being Healthy

Do you believe the stereotype of busy professionals grabbing fast food burgers and letting their treadmills collect dust while they’re rushing from one meeting to the next? In reality, a growing body of research shows that being busy helps you to make healthier choices. To be more precise, thinking you’re…

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What Everyone Ought to Know About Functional Medicine

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Conventional medicine has done a good job with acute care, but the results have been less impressive when it comes to chronic conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, half of all adult Americans now have at least one long-term, complex condition such as heart disease or…

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How Blood Flow Restriction Training Can Benefit You!

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training and rehabilitation has been an upcoming and hot trend in the fitness and rehabilitative community with more favorable research continuing to come out on the daily. What occurs during BFR training is that your therapist will restrict blood flow into an extremity with a certain…

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